Each account on RMOpportunities includes serveral basic functionalities making it possible for you to access the entire marketplace free of charge
It only takes a few seconds and will allow you to access the entire marketplace
RMOpportunities lets you browse all the offers posted by registered companies
Add as many offers as you want on RMOpportunities. Once they are online, you do not have to worry about them any more
In order to optimize your time, create product alerts to be notified by email right after someone else adds them on the platform
The platform is free for you!
When an agreement on a sales has been made between two companies, RMOpportunities takes is a commission composed of two parts - a fixed part and a variable one based on the final amount of the sales.
You would like to increase you online visibility by displaying your products on our platform? You can now create classifieds for the chemicals you manufacture or distribute and find new clients